Name: Games Workshop
Adresse: Willow Road, Nottingham, NG72WS, UK, +49 211 38769276
Europäischer Hersteller: Nein
DE: Größte Auswahl an Warhammer Artikeln zu besten Preisen auf über 600m² direkt zum anfassen.
ENG: Largest selection of Warhammer products at the best prices on over 600m².
DE: Riesige Produktauswahl aus weit über 10.000 Artikeln.
ENG: Huge product selection from well over 10,000 items.
DE: Ladenabholung mit großer Spielfläche und viel Platz zum stöbern.
ENG: Store pickup with a large play area and plenty of room to browse.
A handy set of 39 cards to help you play games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Reference cards for army rules, and warscroll cards for your Disciples of Tzeentch units
Includes a set of cards designed just for Spearhead games
Bitte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.
As the Disciples of Tzeentch march to war, a storm of deadly change-magic boils the skies and transmutes the land, inflicting horrifying mutations upon all who would stand in their way.
This set of cards sets you up with your Disciples of Tzeentch unit profiles and abilities, army rules, and Spearhead rules in a handy format for easy reference. Just grab the cards you need, and let the glory of change unfold.
This set of 39 cards includes:
- 1x Disciples of Tzeentch Faction Background Card
- 3x Army Rules Cards
- 28x Warscroll Cards
- 7x Spearhead Cards
All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.
DE: Schneller Versand aller Bestellungen in der Regel noch am selben Tag.
3D-Druckaufträge haben eine maximale Bearbeitungszeit von 10 Werktagen. In der Regel entfällt diese Bearbeitungszeit.
ENG: Fast dispatch of all orders usually the same day.
3D print orders have a maximum processing time of 10 business days. As a rule, this processing time does not apply.
Name: Games Workshop
Adresse: Willow Road, Nottingham, NG72WS, UK, +49 211 38769276
Europäischer Hersteller: Nein
Name: Games Workshop
Adresse: Willow Road, Nottingham, NG72WS, UK, +49 211 38769276
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