Name: Games Workshop
Adresse: Willow Road, Nottingham, NG72WS, UK, +49 211 38769276
Europäischer Hersteller: Nein
DE: Größte Auswahl an Warhammer Artikeln zu besten Preisen auf über 600m² direkt zum anfassen.
ENG: Largest selection of Warhammer products at the best prices on over 600m².
DE: Riesige Produktauswahl aus weit über 10.000 Artikeln.
ENG: Huge product selection from well over 10,000 items.
DE: Ladenabholung mit großer Spielfläche und viel Platz zum stöbern.
ENG: Store pickup with a large play area and plenty of room to browse.
Striding onto the battlefield like a demigod of war, the Despoiler scowls at the mortal chattel before him. He is an ender of worlds, a destroyer of hope, a bane unto the galaxy itself. Yet he is not beyond the siren call of battle, and leads his Black Legion to acts of pitiless slaughter whenever a worthy foe is near.
Abaddon the Despoiler is the ultimate Chaos character. Terrifyingly capable on the battlefield, he'll transform any army of Chaos Space Marines into a deadlier fighting force, either by causing carnage on the front lines or lending invaluable aura abilities to nearby troops.
This kit brings Abaddon to life in magnificent detail, drawing on three decades of art and lore to create a definitive representation of this iconic character. No detail has been spared – with baroque armour, intricate mechanical detail and grisly trophies, it’s a pleasure to paint and will immediately stand out from the rest of your collection. Even the base has a wealth of sculpted detail to help show Abaddon in all his dark glory!
You'll even be able to customise your Abaddon with optional extras. You can model yours with or without the cape depending on your preference, while a choice of three heads is provided to ensure that your model fits your interpretation of the Warmaster. One features Abaddon’s classic grimace, another bears the likeness of Horus, while the last features an ominous rebreather.
This kit is supplied in 31 plastic components, and comes with a 60mm round base.
12+. WARNING. Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Essential pointed components.
DE: Schneller Versand aller Bestellungen in der Regel noch am selben Tag.
3D-Druckaufträge haben eine maximale Bearbeitungszeit von 10 Werktagen. In der Regel entfällt diese Bearbeitungszeit.
ENG: Fast dispatch of all orders usually the same day.
3D print orders have a maximum processing time of 10 business days. As a rule, this processing time does not apply.
Name: Games Workshop
Adresse: Willow Road, Nottingham, NG72WS, UK, +49 211 38769276
Europäischer Hersteller: Nein
Name: Games Workshop
Adresse: Willow Road, Nottingham, NG72WS, UK, +49 211 38769276
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